Anyone who has ever built something understands that the cool part about it, the part that fills you with pride and gives you that great feeling of accomplishment, is knowing what it was before you got your hands on it; an idea, a vision, a plan, a dream, a possibility, a mess, a work in progress, a challenge, a first draft.
It's this that makes so many of us want to go behind the scenes of pretty much anything; a movie set, a concert, a professional sports locker room, a major production. We know the final product is cool; we liked the movie, we enjoyed the show. But understanding all the details, all the work that went into creating that thing, that's where the connection is made. We get that. And that is what made our trip behind the scenes of this Boston's newest winter attraction such a privilege.
If you haven't thought about heading into City Hall Plaza sometime during the next few weeks, you really should reconsider.
While Sparx has been busy sharpening the 500 pairs of skates that will be used to skate on the impressive loop they've constructed, a slew of other folks have been heads-down working to bring this scene to life for the city of Boston and anyone who is looking for a unique and festive winter activity. It turns out, they are also doing some very important testing there during all the festivities, the taste kind - chocolate tasting, beer tasting...and a different country every night for wine tasting.
So, there's that.
In addition, there will be a multitude of crafters set up to help you complete (or start) your holiday shopping. All this wrapped in what will feel like a quaint holiday village.
Allow us share the stage we were invited into. The attraction is open now, so make your plans to take it in.
A big THANK YOU to Johanna Storella for welcoming us in.